Remote MRI Scanning
Where and When you need it
ANYSCAN Radiographer Cardiac
Certified Radiographers Committed to Excellence
Struggling to find trained Radiographers for Cardiac MR Scanning? ANYSCAN brings over a decade of MRI expertise, offering remote scanning and consulting services. We ensure high-quality CMR support for public and private institutions, helping you start or continue your cardiac scanning projects seamlessly.
Staff Shortage
Shortage of qualified Radiographers that are trained to perform CMR scans in your department.
Lack of reliability
Difficulty in having reliable radiographers for each and every scheduled CMR.
Staffing Costs
Annual expenses for staffing trained radiographers or training expenses for current radiographers.
Our Solution
Experience and knowledge
With a large team of well-trained MRI radiographers with expertise in CMR, we ensure that your service always has a proficient radiographer available to perform all planned CMR procedures, regardless of the volume of scans per shift.
By adopting the pay-per-scan model, we guarantee access to top-tier professionals for every cardiac MRI scan, effectively minimizing costs throughout the year.
Readily Available
With our services, you can ensure a constant availability of skilled professionals, even for the most challenging examination such as CMR, regardless of the day or shift. Our commitment is to consistently deliver the high-quality service you require.
Our Service
We ensure the continuous availability of skilled professionals for all types of MRI scans your department may require, with a particular emphasis on CMR scans. You can confidently provide your patients with the necessary scans, eliminating concerns about the expertise of your staff.
Book To Scan
By booking this service, you will have a dedicated, experienced MRI radiographer who will remotely perform the examination, ensuring that the quality of the images will contribute for a correct diagnostic.
Book To Improve
This service provides you a dedicated experienced MRI radiographer who will collaborate with your local radiographer, providing guidance to enhance the quality of MRI studies. This collaborative approach ensures continuous improvement in your scanning processes.
Why Choosing Us?
Access to experienced and knowledgeable cardiac MRI radiographers which can be essential to your department.
Have ANYSCAN as a highly skilled partner, which can assist you in performing CMR.
Our team comprises radiographers with over 10 years of MRI experience and over 5 years of specialized cardiac experience.
With our assistance, you can achieve a more efficient approach to CMR scans.